Thursday 29 September 2011

Stall time!!

I'm letting you all know well in advance to save your pennies. I'm doing another fair on Saturday 19th November. The last one was great and entry is only 50p with free parking. There will be lots of handmade bits and bobs from artists and the like as well as my vintage stall, so I urge you to come and get some Christmas presents or maybe a little sequined something for the office party? If it's a fur cossack you're after, I got it. If it's a turban you fancy, well, I've got some of them too! Come have a rummage.

Monday 26 September 2011

Bits for the boudoir

Chris and I are currently mortgage shopping and already have our eye on a house (fingers crossed it's still there by the time we get the all clear) it's very exciting stuff!

We're so excited infact, that we've practically kitted out a house we don't even have yet. The latest purchase being the most beautiful dressing table you've ever set your sparkly little eyes on. I can honestly say that I love it almost as much as Chris (ALMOST!) It's from 1965 and the lights either side of the mirror still work!

My brain's working overtime thinking about what else will go with it for our bedroom. My mind is ticking with ideas for curtains, bedding, lighting, rugs, maybe an ottoman.... (but we'll see how much room we've got!)

I also bought this for the living room

Now all I need is a house to put it in.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Saturday 10 September 2011

The Wonder of Winston

Probably most known for her single, 'Choice Notes,' Alex Winston is making some pretty incredible waves in the music world. Her style's reminiscent of Kate Bush, with a sprinkle of modernity. The voice could be likened to that of Joanna Newsom mixed with Lykke Li. The New Yorker has a surprisingly British sound, I particularly like her cover of Jack Penate's, 'Pull My Heart Away.'

Her new single, 'Velvet Elvis' is out now

Even her album artwork is pretty gorgeous


Friday 9 September 2011

Calling all Lutonians and friends!

All the info on the flyer above, plus free parking and refreshments available. I'll be holding a vintage stall with women's clothing and homeware. Pop down and say hi and be sure to tell your friends please!

Lloyd Loom

I am LOVING Lloyd Loom. You can pick up some great vintage pieces on eBay for next to nothing. I just nabbed myself this gold laundry basket for £9!

Here's some others up for auction now. Get bidding.

Just beautiful!

Thursday 1 September 2011

Little Miss Lysons

(^ at a vintage stall at the Clothes Show 2010 ^)

Yesterday I went for afternoon tea at my friend Vicky's house. Vicky is no normal lady. Whenever I pop round for a visit there is always treats of some sort, whether it be cocktails or dancing round the living room to David Bowie and Mick Jagger.

Yesterday was no exception. She had made lemon cake and almond and pistachio macaroons from scratch. And let me tell you, they were tasty! Things always taste so much better when they're home made. I'm going to have to miss out on her culinary delights for a while as she's going travelling for 4 monhts, starting off in Thailand, she's off for some much deserved fun and adventures. I will miss her loads.

Not only is she a whizz in the kitchen, my pal is a pretty talented artiste. Please check out her website: